Anytime you upload a file on a web hosting server, it will take a certain amount of storage space on the hard disk dependent on its particular size. When you run a script-driven site which saves its information in a database, you will need more space, the more people make use of it. For example, in case you have a community forum, the greater amount of comments people share, the bigger the database gets. Email messages, especially ones using attachments, also take some space in the site hosting account. The disk space quota you will get with each shared hosting provider is the total amount of data you can have at any given moment, and this includes web site files, e-mails plus databases. Likewise, a home PC has a hdd and the software programs installed on it plus all of the documents and / or music files that you make or download take some disk space, which can't surpass the full capacity of the hard disk drive.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

We have developed our Linux shared packages with the notion that the hdd storage should never be an issue for your web sites. While many web hosting suppliers set up accounts using one server, and in fact, the most popular Control Panels are made to run solely on this kind of platform, we've taken a different approach. We have groups of servers that control each part of the web hosting service, so that your files are stored on one cluster, your emails on another,the databases using a third one, etc. Through this cloud platform we accomplish two things - the hdd space is virtually inexhaustible due to the fact that we can easily connect as many servers and hard disks to our clusters as needed, and we raise the efficiency of every machine because only one kind of system processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will enable you to enlarge your websites as you see fit without worrying about running out of hard drive storage.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd space feature is unlimited, so you'll be able to center on developing your sites the way they should be and never be concerned about getting to some restriction. Unlike the majority of hosting providers that create your accounts on just a single server, we employ a custom cloud platform, which enables us to offer truly limitless hard disk space for each and every account. With a single machine, there're only so many hard disk drives which you can use, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels are not intended to work with several servers simultaneously. Our system, on the other hand, uses clusters of servers for the site databases, files and emails, plus our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We can easily connect as many servers to all of the clusters as needed any time, so the disk space is virtually limitless.